Famous conferences

When we are considering applying to participate in international conferences, we have to take several things into account.Attending conferences offers far more opportunity to present your own research and also provides chances to establish…

My first experience of presenting at an international conference

I would like to write about my first experience of presenting at an international conference: Asia Academy of Management(AAoM). The conference is held every two years and in 2008, I attended with my colleagues in Taipei, Taiwan. On the fir…

New links

I added several links. First, York Date(伊達洋駆) is a very gifted researcher working out of Kobe University and is a person I have nothing but the upmost respect for. His research and activities are not confined to merely management studi…


中本龍市(2010)「ソーシャルキャピタルと研究業績:医薬品の基礎研究者の分析」『医療と社会』 The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social network structure of researchers on their performance. Although many researchers in ma…